13 Barnumbia omens to commemorate Friday the 13th. 

In the spirit of all things spooky and fun, here are 13 Barnumbia Omens to watch out for this Friday the 13th, ranked from just-slightly-horrible to downright-inconvenience-that-will-have-you-contemplating-all-of-your-life-decisions.

  1. Not Reading Bwog 

No, this is not a shameless plug to this organization, but a friendly reminder that a great start to any day is reading at least one Bwog article. Huzzah! You’ve beaten one bad omen by starting to read this article, so give yourself a pat on the back.

  1. Playing Music Too Loudly In Butler

Butler’s echoey ambiance has peculiar ways of amplifying your stress…and your music. Make sure to check that your AirPods, headphones, earbuds etc. are connected, so that no one will judge you for your music taste. 

  1. The Pupin Elevators 

Concepts of physics really come into play here when you find yourself in a Pupin elevator. They seem to be in perpetual renovation, and sometimes, if you’re in one for long enough, you may start to free fall. 

  1. Dead Cockroach on Stairwell 

If you step on something indoors and hear a crunch, it’s probably not leaves. It’s a cockroach! Next time, pay more attention to where you place your feet. 

  1. A Rat Scurries Too Close To You At Night 

After a late night run to JJ’s, you hope to get to your room with no hitches. Even if you avoid the rat tunnels on Amsterdam, rats will still find an opportunity to creep up on you. Always remember to wipe your hands after eating, you don’t want the oils from JJ’s food to attract unwanted friends.

  1. Forgetting To Lock The Bathroom Doors 

Always, ALWAYS knock on the door even if the sign says vacant. Someone may have been in a rush to safely dispose of Ferris’ lunch and forgotten to protect their privacy with a lock. To avoid humiliation on both sides, knock! 

  1. Having Excess Meal Swipes

It’s 11 pm, and you have 5 meal swipes left. The only place open is JJ’s, so you think you’re smart for using your Express Swipes. Spoiler alert: everyone else has the same idea, and the line snakes along the John Jay foyer. 

  1. Having Too Little Meal Swipes

The internal wince of pain you feel when the swipe doesn’t go through. Maybe (for your dignity, hopefully) some kind soul will lend you one of their swipes.

  1. (Ferris) Food Poisoning 

There are a lot of opportunities to take risks at Columbia, but the dining halls are not a place to test your luck. Stop looking at the options you’ve never tried! Stick to your usual meals to avoid eating something that looks/feels/tastes suspiciously undercooked. Need I say more? 

  1. Last Minute Outfit Choices 

This is specifically for the Barnard Barbies and for those who feel chronically under-dressed. Take pride in your OOTD and that you got yourself out of bed for class. 

  1. Clean Clothes Crumpled On The Laundry Room Floor 

You arrived a minute after your alarm went off and your clothes are already on the floor. Patience is a virtue forgotten in a high-in-demand laundry room. 

  1. Forgetting To Add An Important Event to Google Calendar 

Five days later, you remember the event and sift through your inbox looking for a reminder. Don’t fret, this happens to even the best time managers among us. 

  1. Locking Yourself Out Of Your Room 

Plus, you left your backpack and your wallet. It’s also the fourth time this has happened, so now you have to pay for a replacement. The “Stop, Remember Your Key” decal failed. 

Columbia dog via Bwog Archives.