An 18-year-old mystery is solved?

Happening in the World: 24-year-old Australian Tom Robinson was safely rescued by a cruise ship after his boat overturned. Robinson’s boat capsized during his attempt to be the youngest person to travel the entirety of the Pacific Ocean in a homemade boat. Though he had to be treated for dehydration and sunburn, Robinson is fine and healthy. (BBC)

Happening in the US: The 18-year-old mystery regarding the disappearance of Judy Garland’s $3.5 million ruby slippers that were worn in “The Wizard of Oz” may finally be solved. One Terry Jon Martin is expected to plead guilty for stealing the infamous pair of shoes. However, the finer details involving how investigations led to Martin’s arrest are currently undisclosed to the public. (AP News)

Happening in NYC: Animal rights group NYCLASS is pressuring the City Council to pass Ryder’s Law, which would effectively ban horse carriage rides. This outcry was sparked by a horse carriage incident that occurred on Tuesday, in which a horse named Dino ran into a parked car after breaking free from his handlers. While Dino is fine, the incident has sparked an immense volume of conversation regarding the rights of horses in New York City. (Gothamist

Happening in Our Community: Columbia University is hosting its annual Undergraduate Research Symposium, allowing CC, SEAS, and GS students to showcase their summer research. This event will allow students to interact and discuss research with fellow members of Columbia’s community. The event is occurring today from 10:30 am to 12 pm at Lerner Hall. Find more information here

Shoes I Wouldn’t Be Tempted To Steal via Bwog Archives