Are you ready for it?
Ok, so have you ever been walking and you see some random thing like a bug or a wall and you’re like “Wow, oh man, that wall is so absolutely Taylor Swift coded?” Just us? Well, fine, then let us bring you into our delusion.
1. This pigeon is “Bejeweled”

Look at him, he’s walking with maybe the best strut we have ever seen in our entire lives. He is Bejeweled. He is Taylor Swift. He could perform a three hour concert every night for eternity.
2. These pennies in a fountain are “The One”

When Taylor said “tossing pennies in the pool” she meant these specific pennies in this specific random fountain in the middle of Barnard quad.
3. This random chair in the middle of Futter Field is “Mirrorball”

This chair in Futter Field is literally such a mirrorball, it’s shining just for us, begging to be noticed and sat upon while someone enjoys their Liz’s or calls their mom sobbing.
4. These tater tots are “Bad Blood”

Look at these best friends! They’re an iconic girl group that Harry Styles is most certainly afraid of. Plus the ketchup is literally like blood! Bad blood, that is.
5. This fire safety thing is “This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things”

Look at her. “KEEP CLEAR” is right! Looking at this fire hose makes us feel safe, but worried for the hose’s enemies. We certainly wouldn’t want to be this fire hose’s Kanye.
6. These Hewitt trash cans are “It’s Nice To Have A Friend”

AWWW! Look at them! They’re friends to lovers for sure. I love them. You love them. They love each other.
7. These buckets are “Tied Together With A Smile”

Did you think that we were debut deniers? No way. These buckets in Barnard Hall are “Tied Together With A Smile” because they think we can’t tell they’re falling apart. We can tell, buckets. It’ll all be okay…in five billion years when construction is finally done.
8. The toes of the Greek Games are “The Great War”

She’s bold, she’s beautiful, she’s Barnard, and looks like she’s standing ready for the greatest of wars, The Greek Games. She’s also got the dogs out, just as Taylor did in every single photo from the Midnights photoshoot. So!
9. This… um… wall fixture is “Come in with the Rain”…or “Castles Crumbling”…or “You All Over Me”? You know what, just take your pick

The leaky tunnels into Hewitt dining hall (the place that we eat) make up what is perhaps the grossest part of campus. And yes, all of that mystery ceiling goop will indeed, come in with the rain. But also, our castle of Hewitt is crumbling? But also said ceiling goop is all over me? Just don’t look up and try not to think about it too much.
10. This beauty queen of a roach is “Welcome to New York”

Self explanatory.
Random Things via Authors