We have incredible taste.
Letterboxd. You either know the app and love it, or you’ve never heard of it before in your life. After spending a year at Barnumbia, I’ve come to the conclusion that the majority of the students here fall into the former category. As someone who studies film, this might be fully based on availability bias, but I’d like to think that everyone around me likes movies as much as I do. Anyways. I believe you can tell a lot about a person based on their favorite movies, so I’ve taken it upon myself to investigate Barnumbia’s top four films on the app. As an English major with a film concentration, I think I’m more than qualified for this task. Trust.
(Disclaimer: this is all jokes but I want to make that abundantly clear because I know people can get very defensive about their favorite movies. I’ll be nice I pinky swear!)
Starting off strong here with this absolutely stacked top four. No notes. I’ve actually never seen Teen Beach Movie in its entirety because I was a PBS kid and did not have access to the wonders of Disney Channel, but enough people love that movie for me to be able to imagine that it’s a 5/5. Lady Bird, La La Land, and 10 Things all hold a very special place in my heart. You’re so real for this list; 10/10.
Another solid list. The Perks of Being a Wallflower seems to be a common favorite; it appears on another person’s top four. Loving the Fincher and Miyazaki representation! I regretfully have to dock a point though, just because my ninth grade English teacher who was kinda mean to me really liked Baz Luhrman’s Romeo+Juliet and I refuse to agree with any of his opinions. Overall a great and diverse top four; 9/10.
Shiva Baby seems to be a popular choice in the Barnumbia community as well, which makes a lot of sense, but also are we okay? The French Dispatch is personally not my favorite Wes Anderson film, but he honestly can never go wrong. He’s also been absolutely delivering recently with Asteroid City and his Netflix shorts. The cognitive dissonance of Paddington and Pearl right next to each other is insane. Delightful; PLEAAAAASE I’M A STARRRRR/10.
I’m OBSESSED with this top four. We have an unpretentious filmbro here, thank you for your service to the community. You seem to have a proclivity for the cinematographically impeccable and the emotionally devastating, which is totally fair because me too. I love how it goes from slow-burn yearning to regretful yearning to romcom yearning to yearning for childhood. Objectively incredible taste; can we friends/10.
FRANCES HA!!! Amazing list just because of that one but solid choices all around. I have admittedly never seen Babe and when I saw the poster my brain immediately went to Charlotte’s Web, but that’s a me problem, sorry about that. Old school Barbie is so real; girlhood/10.
These are all amazing movies, but I have to ask, are you okay? Do you enjoy being happy? Might I gently suggest any Studio Ghibli movie (except for Grave of the Fireflies) or an early 2000s romcom? Perhaps Pride and Prejudice (2005)? I absolutely respect this list, but I’m equally horrified. Sending you a hug/10.
The RANGE. The TASTE. All the bases are covered. I will admit that I have not seen Chicago, but I have seen the other three and I fully support. Before Sunrise and Everything Everywhere are all-timers for me as well and Mulholland Drive has not left my mind since I watched it for the first time over a year ago. Amazing; 6.16/10. (Get it? For June 16?) But actually, a million/10, you’re so real.
Loving the Emma Seligman/Rachel Sennott cinematic universe representation! I am embarrassed to admit that I have not seen Bottoms yet, but I have every intention to. I do have a poster of it up in my room so I’ll get to it, I swear. Slay/10.
Another When Harry Met Sally appearance! And another Wes Anderson! This is such a classy list, I love me some French New Wave appreciation. I haven’t seen Guys and Dolls, but it’s definitely going on my never-ending watchlist now. Dope as hell/10.

More French New Wave and sad Asian cinema appreciation! Also loving the nostalgia of Home Alone and Kiki’s Delivery Service, they’re both perfect movies. I’ve been meaning to watch Yi Yi forever so thank you for reminding me to get to it. A well balanced list of two kinds of classics. 10/10.
Those were all the submissions for top four for this week. Maybe there will be more editions in the future, in which case, I would be happy to continually provide my highly professional and correct opinions. Hopefully you got some good movie recommendations out of this, and to the people who submitted their top four, I’d like to extend a thank-you for having incredible taste in film. I’m honestly just glad that Avengers: Endgame didn’t make it on anyone’s list.
Letterboxd via Flickr
Top Four submissions via Tips