You’re gonna have to buy your I <3 NYC shirt somewhere else. Editor’s warning: mentions of violence

Happening in the World: Rome, Busan, and Riyadh are all vying to host the 2030 World Expo. Paris will hold a vote today to decide a winner, and each city is campaigning heavily. Rome has enlisted actor Russel Crowe of Gladiator for a promotional video, and Busan has enlisted musical artists Psy and BTS. Riyadh, the capital city of Saudi Arabia, has mounted advertising all over Paris, including a Riyadh 2030 exhibit near the Eiffel Tower, and has received endorsement from French President Emmanuel Macron. (AP)

Happening in the US: A Vermont man who shot three Palestinian college students on Saturday in Burlington is now being charged with attempted murder. Investigators are attempting to discern whether or not this act was a hate crime. Jason J. Eaton, 48, has pled not guilty and is currently being held without bail. If convicted, he could spend life in prison. If the shooting is determined a hate crime, Eaton would not face a different sentence, but it may be considered an aggravating factor. (New York Times)

Happening in NYC: New York City is moving to ban all vendors from selling their wares on the Brooklyn Bridge to make room for pedestrians. This has caused an uproar among primarily veterans who have a license to sell NYC-themed clothing and items on the bridge. Veterans have long since been given license privileges by the city. Licensed vendors argue that only unlicensed vendors should be banned from the bridge. (Gothamist)

Happening in Our Community: Virtual Naloxone training will occur on Zoom from 11 am to 12 pm and will be open to all Columbia affiliates. Registration is required.

Brooklyn Bridge via Creative Commons