I can call you Betty!

Bwogline: The Texas Supreme Court has overturned a lower court order that allowed a woman termination of a fetus diagnosed with a fatal condition. The lower court had ordered that Kate Cox, more than 20 weeks pregnant, could be granted a medical exception to the state’s abortion ban. This decision suggests that the Texas Supreme Court most likely will not grant medical exceptions, except in the most extreme cases. This case is the first instance of a woman seeking a court-ordered exception since the overturn of Roe V. Wade last year. (NYTimes)

Study Tip: Sit on the ground. I don’t know why more people don’t do it. No one is stopping you from sitting on the ground in Butler. I feel like I’m definitely more productive on the ground, it’s just so much easier to spatially organize your stuff.

Music of the Day: You Can Call Me Al by Paul Simon. IF U BE MY BODYGUARD I CAN BE UR LONG LOST PAL.

Procrastination Tip: Take a bathroom break and then sit on your phone on the toilet for hours.

Overseen/Overhead: People destroying the dessert at John Jay last night. It was actually so good too, it was the cup of brownies with cherries, whipped cream(?), and a jellybean on top. John Jay, please keep up the good work.

Paul Simon via Wikimedia Commons