Just a tortured genius in a world full of wonder!

Bwoglines: National Public Radio releases an article that chronicles the “weird, wild and wonderful” stories of 2023, including an artist who turned 100,000 flowers into a glorious exhibition for a local library in downtown Cleveland. The piece also highlights soccer start Sophia Smith as she made it to the World Cup this summer, as well as an Afghan football club based in Boise, Idaho that won the 2023 Refugee Championship Soccer Cup. It showcases the forgotten joy that will always exist in the pockets of our nation. The piece features Alec Sturdy, otherwise known as the “best drummer under I-70” in Denver, Colorado. It’s nice to be reminded of beautiful people sometimes! Check out the full article for more. (NPR)

Study Tip: Listen to a Pomodoro-style playlist! It will allow you to focus for 25 minutes and then alert you when the time has passed.

Music of the Day: The “Tortured Genius” playlist on Spotify. Embrace it, you are Him.

Procrastination tip: Decide that you do not need to adhere to any final deadlines. Deadlines are the worst! Ignore them.

Overseen/Overheard: “Butler is like the tenth circle of hell right now. Let’s go!”

Beautiful Landscape via Artvee