Following through on a 2024 Goal, Staff-Writer Maren Frey tried out the Dodge Fitness Center Group Class Pass Free Trial and loved (almost) every second. 

Though I have always prided myself on not believing in New Year Resolutions, one of my various Maren quirks, for 2024, I wanted to get myself in the gym more. And since the Barnard gym still hasn’t opened (WTF, construction and Barnard Builds) and I aim to ball on a budget, Dodge was my best option. 

So, on Tuesday, my first full day back on campus, I trotted over to Dodge to start my little free trial for the Group Fitness Pass (I can never pass one up.). As I walked through the weird scanning turnstiles and signed into a Total Sculpt class, to say I was terrified was an understatement. I have never been an exercise girl, the most strenuous I tend to go is going for a walk in Riverside when it’s sunny out. But, as Jason Deruolo’s “Whatcha Say,” blasted through the speakers and the friendly instructor, Laura, spoke into her microphone, I knew the vibe was right. Throughout pilates, we did yoga fusion with warrior poses, ball exercises, and push-ups which really pushed me to the limit. Even though my arms were quivering by the end of the class, the class was honestly a blast. 

So, I continued my ventures on Thursday, because I obviously had to take advantage of the free trial and a full day of shopping classes on Wednesday prevented me from going to the Aerobics Room, this time with Pilates. Though there were no reformers, the class was a combination of abs, legs, and body weight exercises as 2010s pop blasted through the speakers. This class was definitely a lot harder than the other, but by the time I sprayed down my mat and left Dodge, I felt ready to take on the rest of my day. 

To say I was convinced to pull the plug and buy the $90 pass for the semester was an understatement. To reason with myself, if I go to 3 classes a week this semester, each class averages out to $1.90, which is 10 times less than most fitness classes in NYC. I can’t wait to try out Zumba, Kickboxing, Cycling (fake SoulCycle), and BarreMix (future Maren ballerina, I watched “Black Swan” this break, and now want to become a dancer). Thank you Dodge Fitness for a fun way to start the semester. Catch me in the Aerobics rooms this semester, dodging it up. 

Dodge entrance via Bwog Archives