Fired just because he can’t climb stairs :(

Happening in the World: Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife have been sentenced to seven years in prison for unlawful marriage. Khan and his wife, Bushra Bibi, violated the law that a woman must wait three months before remarrying. Khan insists that the trial is politically motivated, due to his rhetoric against Pakistan’s military leadership (AP)

Happening in the US: Supporters of Republican candidate Donald Trump have made a “MAGA Wall” online, meaning a wave of memes and noise on social media that is making it difficult for Democrats to get their messages across. US Representative James Clyburn of South Carolina says Biden needs the support of “voices and validators” that can break through the growing disinformation campaign. (Reuters)

Happening in NYC: The city has officially retired the Knightscope K5 RoboCop from the Times Square subway station. This is due to a multitude of issues, the first of which being that the robot cannot climb stairs. The NYPD was forced to assign an officer to chaperone the robot. Now, K5 can be found gathering dust in an empty storefront, all alone. (NYTimes)

Happening in Our Community: The 2024 CU Medical School Fair will take place today in Lerner Hall from 10 am to 4 pm. Medical schools and programs will be there to talk to students from schools in the area. Registration is required.

Where he used to patrol via Bwarchives