We want a word.
Barnard housing seems to have employed a new graphic designer. Let’s call them… AI? Here are our thoughts.

Sooo, some questions. Is he at the back of the subway? Is it above ground? Did we photoshop the 1 train icon onto this image? How do we learn about the process if we’re on the subway?
However, he’s really cute. He has a little hat. 8/10.

WHY are we grabbing our titties. 3/10. No. 2/10.

See, here’s where it gets into scary territory. Why do we now have a shirt on? I feel like we’re being mooned right now. If we have a shirt on, that means we have no pants. (Teacher voice): We need pants to look at the blueprints, friends. AND, I really doubt these are the floor plans to Ms. Barnard?!?
Do better. 1/10.

How do we type with no fingers? Where did our mohawk go? What’s with the Zoom blurred background? He does look as concerned as we do during the housing lottery, though. Four points for accuracy. 4/10.

WHOSE ARM IS THAT? WHY ARE WE IN THE NETHER? WHY AREN’T WE LOOKING AT EACH OTHER? DOES THE UNCANNY VALLEY APPLY TO BEARS? Like, I’m not the maddest ever, but c’mon. Doesn’t our tuition go toward graphic designers?!? 5/10.

Again, where are the pants? Another really scary angle. Also, this bear looks about 40 years old somehow?? It’s the eyebrows. Funny to zoom in on the messed up AI posters, though.
And at least he got a room. Gives us hope. 3/10.
Bears via AI?!?
@Anonymous “The Barnard-stain Bears Lose Their Pants”