It’s the first day of classes here at Barnumbia, and it’s our first edition of Bwoglines for the semester.

Editors’ warning: mentions of death and drowning

Happening in the World: Fifty three people were rescued and 12 people passed away after a boat with migrant passengers capsized in the English Channel. French officials became aware of the status of the vessel on Tuesday morning, after which several boats were sent to help with rescue operations. This is cited as the deadliest incident in the English Channel in 2024. Passengers are currently being treated in nearby Boulogne-sur-Mer. (BBC)

Happening in the US: US presidential candidate Vice President Harris’ campaign will send $24.5 million to efforts to elect Democratic candidates in the House and Senate and to support gubernatorial and attorneys general elections. This comes after Harris received an outpour of campaign funds after announcing her bid for presidency in place of incumbent President Joe Biden. (NYT)

Happening in NYC: Linda Sun, the former chief of staff for New York Governor Kathy Hochul was arrested by the FBI in Long Island on Tuesday morning. The governor’s spokesperson released a statement confirming that Sun’s employment with the governor’s office was terminated in 2023 due to “misconduct” that was later reported to authorities. Details on specific charges have not yet been released. (Gothamist)

Happening in Our Community: Today from 11 am to 1:30 pm, the University will host “Treats on the Plaza,” an event featuring summer treats, on the South Lawn to celebrate the start of the academic year. 

South Lawn via Bwog Archives