I am writing this while eating in Hewitt (alone).

As someone with social anxiety and who literally refused to go to Hewitt by myself during NSOP, I cannot believe I am saying this, but doing things by yourself is so much less scary than you think. Once my classes started, I realized that my schedule did not line up well with my friends’. I was suddenly forced to start filling up the awkward spaces in my day that I had to myself, leading me to discover the best things to do by yourself on and around campus: 

  1. Go explore new libraries. As a first year, the amount of libraries seems daunting, but if you have a class near a library you have never been to, try it out before or after your class. It might end up being your new favorite study spot! Personally, I never thought I would like the Teachers College Library enough to go there outside of when I have class in the building, but have since found myself walking the several blocks over there quite a few times. 
  2. Lunch and a podcast. One of my favorite things to do when I can not get lunch with my friends is go to Diana and grab a burrito bowl for lunch. I probably go to Diana three times a week (I know it is excessive, but please cut me some slack) and take my lunch outside to eat and catch up on my favorite podcast. Trust me, it is actually a good time.
  3. Visit a new museum. Growing up near the city and honestly not loving museums, I am surprised to say that I have been taking quick solo-trips to museums on days when I have a chunk of time to fill. Many museums have student discounts, and if you are from New York, they are usually a pay what you want kind of deal. So far, my favorite museums have been The Met Cloisters and The Natural History Museum. 
  4. Move your body. Personally, I find Dodge to be a scary place (too many men for this Barnard girlie), so I have had to find other ways to get out and move around. The first place I go to take runs or walks is Riverside Park because it is super close and also has a great view of the Hudson. Secondly, the city has so many workout places that do free trials of their classes, and I have certainly been taking advantage of that. While I might be getting an onslaught of emails to sign up for a subscription, they do not need to know that I am a broke college student that was simply there for a free workout. 

Being a first year student and feeling the pressure to make friends and always be surrounded by people can be a bit stressful, so please, please, please, actually take time for yourself and do not be afraid to do an activity alone. Some of my favorite memories from college so far are the ones where I have discovered a new place or done an activity by myself. So, from your clearly very independent peer, start doing things by yourself (unless you are a man going to Hewitt, in that case, please stop).