Oh, we are SO back (from Winter Break).

Bwog enjoyed our break! What was Bwog up to?

Bwog traveled.

  • Went to Disney World.
  • Went to the Air and Space Museum in DC.
  • Went to New Hampshire to see my friend.
  • Went on vacation with my family!

Bwog enjoyed some time off.

  • Watched a lot of movies.
  • Saw sooo many movies, like maybe every single movie that’s gonna be Oscar nominated. Please someone ask me my thoughts.
  • Played about a million rounds of Ticket to Ride and Uno with my family. Won maybe once.
  • Read many many books and wrote many many recommendations for said books.

Bwog hung out with our families.

  • Spent a lovely weekend hanging out with my brother.
  • Celebrated Christmas with my family.
  • Hung out with my cats and enjoyed every second of it.
  • Spent time with my kitty cat.

Person Snow Walking In Winter Cold via Bwarchive