A Barnard brew of magic.
Dear Strawberry banana smoothie,
From the moment I first laid eyes on you, I knew it was going to be love at first sip. Your vibrant pink hue calls to me like a siren’s song, and your perfectly blended sweetness dances on my tastes buds, leaving me to crave more with every slurp.
Oh, how tiny you are, yet so satisfyingly mighty. If only I could savor you longer instead of inhaling you in two pathetic slurps. It is unfair how quick our time passes together, like a fleeting summer romance. But in those precious minutes, you fill my heart (and stomach) with pure bliss.
You are more than just a smoothie to me, you are my life line during times of chaos on campus, my sweet escape from reality. Until we meet again (probably tomorrow), know that no other drink will ever take your place.
Forever yours,
A thirsty Bwogger <3
Image via Bwarchives