Bwog locked in. Did you?

Bwog was in the trenches (academically).

  • Mixed up the due dates and only realized on Sunday evening that I had two essays due on Monday, not Tuesday.
    • Because of the above panic, I stayed in Milstein until I was kicked out.
  • Pulled an all-nighter (I NEVER do that) and did a bunch of assignments 
  • Worked on my thesis for several hours (but I still wish I’d gotten more done).
  • Studied at three libraries in one day. 
  • Worked on an essay I put off for wayyyy too long.

Bwog started Ramadan strong.

  • Celebrated the start of Ramadan!
    • Spent the entirety of it looking for overnight oats recipes for suhoor (it’s supposed to make you feel full and not have indigestion, yet I still feel the indigestion…) 
  • Went home to start Ramadan and Taraweeh at my local mosque.
  • Had the first iftar of Ramadan at home with my family!

Bwog socialized and rejoiced in the (brief) sunshine!

  • Met my friend at the Drama Book Shop in Times Square.
  • Hung out with friends at NYU.
  • Went to a cafe/bakery with my friends!
  • Hung out on futter!!!!! Rejoiced for the sun!!!!!

Bwog enjoyed the arts (and had opinions).

  • Saw the CMTS People of Color Cabaret!
  • Saw Marina Abramovic speak, was starstruck.
  • Watched the Oscars, then debriefed the Oscars, then debriefed last year’s Oscars again, and then made a watch list for spring break.

Bwog went places!

  • Went to the SNL taping!
  • Went on a tour of the NYT building!
  • Went to the Shakespeare & Co. on 105 and Broadway because they are closing, so everything is on sale!!!

Bwog took a step back.

  • Took a pause from My 600-lb Life.
  • Tried to understand everything going on with Ash Trevino but ultimately gave up cause I didn’t care enough.

Bwog discovered new things!

  • Discovered the Wallach esports lounge and played Mario Kart.
  • Tried the new pizza place! It was good!

Late night studying via DevianArt