Tonight the initiative that brings you tons of free food, live music and other fun events around campus, Live at Lerner, opens its Fall season with a screening of Pitch Perfect tonight at 8 pm on Ancel Plaza. For those of you who aren’t hip with the a capella kids, Pitch Perfect stars one of Columbia’s own, Ben Platt (formerly CC ’16, now GS) and follows a fictional all-female college a capella group as they face off against their a rival all-male group, because boys vs. girls never gets old. Unfortunately, there won’t be any free food (boooo!) but Live at Lerner will be back to their usual shenanigans in the Lerner piano lounge next week with free lunch and live music.
For more info on tonight’s screening, take a look at the Facebook event page.
The time of someone else’s life via Shutterstock
@Jessica There are a lot more free and cheap suggestions for things to do around town––such as the free screening of “Wild Reeds” tonight at Low Library Plaza –– at
@Anonymous or you could just go AUDITION for a cappella in hamilton, 3rd floor, 8-11PM…REAL LIFE PITCH PERFECT.
@Correction Ben Platt is in GS