Looking for both free food *and* an old-fashioned way to celebrate the Indian Summer? Dying to take out those wingtip shoes/tea dress (what are those we don’t even know) out for a spin? Columbia has an answer for you classy, classy people. Head over to the CU Garden Party at 4 p.m. in front of Philosophy Hall, where you can nab some garden-party-style free food, “dress to impress,” and take pictures with your friends with the Rodin statue! (Because you can’t do that at any other point during your 4 years here.) There will also be some *~live music~* so even your ears can feast in style. No word on whether there will be croquet. We can only hope.
High living via Shutterstock
The Law School is also having an actual rager Activities Fair on Revson plaza with a whole lot of beer. Unfortunately, it seems Bwog wasn’t invited.
So many solo cups…