Appropriate response

Appropriate response

President Obama has announced plans to send 1,500 more troops to Iraq to advise the government’s campaign against the Islamic State (Washington Post).

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a new challenge to the Affordable Care Act, a mere two years after the Court upheld a key provision of the law (NPR).

The successor to the popular drug/weapon/passport emporium Silk Road—creatively named Silk Road 2.0—was shut down in a joint U.S.-European operation which saw over 400 sites taken offline and 17 people arrested (BBC).

The Ukranian government claims that a column of tanks and supply trucks has crossed the border from Russia, potentially straining a September 5th ceasefire between pro-Russian rebels and Petro Poroshenko’s pro-Western government (New York Times).

A student at Colorado State University took MDMA and cocaine at a Halloween concert, stole an ambulance, and assaulted a police officer before being taken into custody. He then “stood on a bench, kicked the wall, and masturbated”. Maybe stick to the legal weed next time (7NEWS Denver).

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