A Hip Barnard student got her own spread in Teen Vogue for having a really hip dorm room. We applaud you for having the energy, time, and cleanliness to keep up with dorm room appearances, Ms. Deczynski. (Teen Vogue)
This Staten Island mom is like a real-world Nancy from Weeds, making her home into the neighborhood heroin stop. Never again will there be a link between the fictional, Range Rover-filled Agrestic, CA and New York’s forgotten borough. (NY Times)
Live in South Carolina, and be prepared for your own city to cause ongoing mold issues in your apartment. This Rock Hill, SC resident is going public against her “erroneous and reckless” neighbors. (The State)
Republican-majority House of Representatives is talking again of government shutdown in response to Obama’s recent moves on immigration. (MSN News)
Little boxes made of ticky tacky via Shutterstock