The Matisse cut-outs are leaving MoMA on Tuesday. It’s too late to beat the crowds, but you can at least beat the clock. Alternatively, browse them from the comfort of your own toilet bed. (New York Times)
Brian Williams is facing some challenges to the future of his career as a journalist following the revelation that he fabricated a story about riding in a helicopter that was hit by an RPG in Iraq. (Fox News)
Ukraine’s currency, the hryvnia, has lost 50% of its value in just two days, spelling serious trouble for the nation’s already dubious economic future. (Washington Post)
A new law in Japan seeks to put in an end to some of the more conspicuous workaholism in the nation’s corporate world. Employees would be required to take the paid vacation days they’re already allotted rather than simply working the whole year in an effort to avoid resentment. (Mashable)
Tax dodgers beware: UK Labour head Ed Miliband has vowed to end the use of British territories as tax havens if his party wins the general election in May. (Sky News)
Your future via Shutterstock
@PSA Theta won recruitment. Top house now
@Anonymous So, do you get the House Cup now, or after the Quidditch tournament?