Curious about the flock of kids gathered on Low Steps right now? Bwog inquired: it’s a group of seventh graders from Houston, TX touring the East Coast. They hit Philadelphia on the way here, and then will make their way up to Boston.
Be nice! Welcome our Southern brethren!
@no wow i never thought about it that way. but now that you told me so on i’m going to change my ways completely and become a huge supporter of black rights. yeah right.
@heh I just dont know why people even *consider* that Columbia students need racial sensivity training.
@do you think that maybe institutionalized racism, the history of slavery and lynching, and the ongoing discrimination that nonwhite people encounter on an every day basis make “cracker” and “honky” not QUITE the equivalent of the N-word?
@moph i think the word’s racist when used the way it was used. i don’t have an opinion on you.
you’re right about the misspelling, though.
@ugh Never ever should that word be used. I’m so tired of the continued use of that word being used whether in a way to address one’s “homies” or in a pejorative manner. It should be stricken from everyone’s vocabularies. It is an ugly, ugly word.
@what about whitey, cracker, honkey, etc. I’ve been called these here in this very neighborhood. can we make at least one taboo?
@i demand equal slur rights if [20] can say cracker and honkey i better not be censored for saying that nigger is as valid as those words are.
@re:re:umm... if you’re gonna use big words, learn to spell them. one ‘r’. one. and i don’t see why you would have objections to it. i see my homies calling each other n(star)(star)(star)(star) every day. sounds like you’re saying i’m racist just because i’m white.
@re: umm we were objecting to the perjorative use of the word n******.
@umm... in the south, everybody’s brethren.
@basically the post said in (much) more uncouth terms that they looked like a bunch of dark-skinned country bumpkins
@well can you allude to it academically and clinically without actually saying it? inquiring minds want to know.
@but this one was particularly bad
@actually, it’s not the first time bwog’s censored comments.
@Bwog Editor If there is a post or a comment you are concerned about, please email We try to monitor the comment boards closely, but also need our readers’ help.
@umm With all the crap people have posted in your comments, this is the first time one gets censored? My God, what did they say? It must have been really above and beyond!
@moph (when it was deleted, the comments were renumbered.)
@Dave How long does it take to delete a comment like 5?
@they all looked deleted
@...... ….that comment is despicable on so many levels
@moph i’m somewhat astounded that a columbia student thought posting [5] anonymously was funny/amusing/acceptable.
not to be a crazy left-wing wacko or anything, but i’m against racist slurs.
@look it’s red america! and they came with uniforms so we could identify them. how sweet.
@why aren’t there more interesting things to see in new york?
@so confused... I saw them sitting there in red, and then came by about an hour later, thinking there was a different group of kids there. They’re all wearing gray now.
@i'm from houston! did they say what school/organization they’re with?