Now that we’ve helped prepare you to survive this year’s Bacchanal, you will know regular cocktails will not suffice. Bwog brings you Bacchtails.
$7 Sling
- 1oz gin
- 1/2oz grenadine
- 2oz sweet & sour mix
- 2oz club soda
Serve this one over ice to only 4,000 of your closest, financially-able companions.
Kornick Sour
- 1oz sake
- Dash of lemon juice
- Dash of agave
- 2 slices of grapefruit
- 2 dashes green Tabasco
- 35 angry Facebook comment
- 8 unfollows on Twitter
- 2 death threats
I Don’t Fuck With Empty Calories You
- 1oz vodka
- 1oz tequila
- 1oz rum
- 1oz gin
- 1oz triple sec
- 1.5oz sweet & sour mix
- Splash of Coke zero
For those unlucky students with Lawn tickets, we recommend making two servings: one for you and one for the security officer preventing your entry onto Low steps!
(Ariana) Grande Mocha Frap
- 1 grande Starbucks mocha Frappuccino
- 2oz Bailey’s Irish Cream whiskey
And for those where beer/vodka/the majority of alcoholic beverages are forbidden starting tomorrow night, we don’t expect you to sneak in waterbottles full of Manischweitz. We’d like to see you get a little more creative (and potentially better tasting) than that.
You can stick to tradition and have cocktails for each of the Ten Plagues, or your alcohol content on Saturday can reflect the perfect harmony between the holy days before us and the debauchery this weekend.
Cocktail #1: The Kraft Center
Our campus’ Jewish life home has a surprising side designated for some true “raging;” Hillel Formal each year is like when you were tempted to sip on abandoned drinks at your bar/bat mitzvah, but then you and all your friends actually do and everyone over-drinks at their first experience with alcohol. I think we might have actually played Coke or Pepsi this year. But, come Monday, at school you’re back to being teacher’s pets in math class.
- 3 oz Absinthe
- Diet Coke/Pepsi to the rim (based on whose lap you ended up on in the end)
Cocktail #2: The Black Skirt
We respect your modesty, but we’ll make up the absence of long black skirts on Saturday with a martini named in your honor.
- 2 oz Godiva dark chocolate liqueur
- 1 oz Sabra (Israeli Kahlua)
- Pour it just an inch below the rim ;)
Cocktail #3: Hipster Jacob from Brooklyn
That guy that you totally knew was Jewish (Warby Parker tortoise glasses, fro, and hometown of Brooklyn gave it all away), but claims to be very “culturally Jewish” and removed from Jewish life on campus. But he will definitely be home for Seder tomorrow night and his mom has sent him a care package of kosh-for-Passover treats that he’ll eat exclusively for the next week.
- 3 oz Fig Brandy
- A dash of vanilla
- Prepared with vegan luv
Drank via Wikipedia
@Anonymous Has kornick actually received death threats over bacchanal? That’s ridiculous!
@Anonymous lololol the kornick. hilarious.
@who wrote this i like it
@As a nonreligious individual, could someone who is subject to the aforementioned alcohol restrictions this weekend tell/explain what they are, please?
@jewishfamily you can’t eat grain…
@i don't fuck with jew Shoutout to all my BAMF MOTs and the grain-less drinks we’ll be chugging faster than Pharaoh in the Red Sea