We know it’s hard to muster up school pride, especially as the football team continues to dash your hopes, but live a little and participate in “Kill the Cup”! It’s a nationwide campaign meant to encourage the use of reusable coffee mugs (run by EcoReps and Columbia Dining) and 15 other colleges are participating and competing for money. (Facebook)
Just for our fave commenter, we have some juicy Nic Cage gossip, namely that he was offered and turned down the role of Aragorn in Lord of the Rings. Can you even imagine an alternate universe where Nicholas Cage, famed Nicholas Cage impersonator, plays Aragorn? (A.V. Club)
Hillary Clinton, your sometimes-relatable gal pal and presidential candidate, appeared on the season premiere of Saturday Night Live and did pretty okay, even though she didn’t tackle some of the hardest issues. (NPR)
In response to the devastating U.S. airstrike on a Doctors Without Borders hospital, the Afghan government’s response has been surprisingly muted. (Washington Post)
McGraw-Hill made an exceedingly dumb error in writing about slavery in their textbooks, but has said that the description will be updated. (Time)
Carman Bathroom #goals via Shutterstock