It’s been a real tough week for the world, yes – but not all hope is lost! We could definitely all use some good news, and good is still happening behind-the-scenes… if you really squint. Here at Bwog, we continue to make your quest for the positive easier by compiling small tidbits of happiness to brighten your day:
1) Thanks to conservation efforts by states, landowners, and others, the Delmarva Peninsula fox squirrel is no longer at risk of extinction! Hurrah! This Mid-Atlantic native isn’t the only species to have rebounded off the endangered list – experts say that this last decade has been extremely successful in its conservation efforts, with many other species making a remarkable 2015 comeback. (CNN)
2) Marvel fans, rejoice – Season 1 of “Jessica Jones” is now completely streamable on Netflix! Not only does this show look extremely promising, but it’s also been hailed as “nothing we’ve ever seen before” in regards to the treatment of females in the superhero genre. Binge away! (Variety)
3) In its search for normalcy, Paris has found the one thing that can truly unite all people – food. With the support of President Francois Hollande and restaurateurs, Parisians have shown their willingness to return to their daily lives by rallying behind the social media movement #TousAuBistrot, loosely translated into English as “back to the bistro.” (The Times)
4) Driving back home will be quite a bit cheaper this Thanksgiving, thanks to rapidly falling gas prices. The average price of gallon of regular gas is down 75 cents from a year ago, meaning that consumers will save around $7 million on gas between now and Christmas. That comes down to about $40 per driver. Take that, capitalism! (CNN Money)
BONUS: Donald Trump once again embarrasses himself on the international stage, hopefully contributing to his eventual (and inevitable) downfall. How’s that for a silver lining!
Big fluffy and soft via Shutterstock