Is it the end or...the beginning?? (Of reading week)

Is it the end or…the beginning?? (Of reading week)

Celebrate the end of something special (the end of classes, Bwoglines for this semester, etc.) with some strange and slightly chilling headlines.

A disconcertingly soulless Ted Cruz has been lambasted by both Donald Trump and Ben Carson in response to comments he made at a private event. Trump said, “I get along with everybody,” and it might be true in some parallel universe where you actually end up passing your chemistry final, so let’s not judge! (CNN)

Since we’re talking about Ted Cruz, let’s remember his college roommate, a man who has nursed a bitter, vocal, and probably justified anger towards Cruz over the past few decades. We will surely miss him once the election ends. (The Daily Beast)

A disconcertingly soulful Ed Sheeran is taking a break from social media, perhaps inspired by the departure of the too-close-to-home Socality Barbie. Truly the end of an era. (USA Today, The Atlantic)

Chipotle’s stocks might be struggling because of the E. Coli outbreak, but you know you’re doing your part to keep the company afloat this finals season. (Oceanside Post)

Hoverboards are fire, figuratively and literally. (International Business Times)