Earlier today we received a tip regarding the defacement of a Wien 6 bulletin board with anti-Donald Trump credos and threatening statements regarding President Trump and his “supporters.” These messages seem to have appeared overnight, likely anticipating the President’s inauguration today in Washington D.C. The appearance of these intimidating statements is the latest in a series of tense campus outbursts regarding the candidacy and presidency of Donald Trump.
Although Bwog reached out to both the Wien 6 Resident Advisor as well as the Wien Resident Hall Director, neither were available to comment upon this incident. We will further update the story as soon as we receive a statement regarding the vandalism and intimidation of students.
Pictures of the graffitied statements are expanded below to depict the statements as clearly as possible, with the writing of the Wien vandal further captioned below each picture.
Photos via Bwog Staff
@Responsible Citizen Expel and prosecute the student to the fullest extent.
@Anonymous this is unironically good. you’re not a progressive or revolutionary if you don’t believe trump deserves to die.
@Anonymous go off!