Disclaimer: this is completely made up. It probably makes no sense.
- Front table: You enjoy watching darts. You like breathing space. Maybe you want to look out the window. You don’t want to swim through 200 people for a smoking break outside.
- Booths: You have about four friends. These four friends bring their friends and surprise now there are fifteen people in a booth meant for four people. Some people are sitting on the table. Some people are hiding under the table. There is beer everywhere. It is a disaster.
- Bar: You like to order drinks. You might be an Old Person. You’re here alone, or maybe with one more person. You might have been here since happy hour. What are you doing? It’s okay. That’s life. Order another beer, it’s okay.
- Inner corner of the bar by the pool table: You’re definitely older than 90% of the people in this bar.
- Pool table: You couldn’t find seats. You don’t like being constrained in a booth, because if you sit in a booth, eight people will pile on top of you. You might be in line for the bathroom. You might have already pissed your pants. Who cares? It’s 1020. No one’s judging you. If you pee on the pool table, everyone will just think it’s beer. It’s okay.
- Little bench by the pool table: You couldn’t find seats. This isn’t a permanent seat. Maybe you are feeling a little emotionally unstable and need a hug.
- Back couch table: You always wanted to sit in the back seat of the school bus with the cool kids but couldn’t and now you’re making up for it by sitting at the back table at 1020. Or you just like to be comfortable when you drink your $4 PBR.
- Standing around: You couldn’t find seats. You’re probably not staying too long. You’re dipping in and dipping out. Or you’re just on the prowl for seats. This doesn’t say much about you. I don’t know why I included this.
1020 blackboard via Bwog Archives