thunderclappingYou’ve got to hand it to the Orientation Leaders, who finished a long day of hauling first-years’ junk in the rain with an even longer-feeling and relentlessly peppy assembly tonight. Shouting NSOP…RED HOT ad nauseam after telling a group of freshmen everything there is to know about everything takes more fortitude than Bwog can muster. We sat on the sidelines.

But the (truly, not sarcastically) admirable NSOP committee gave credit where due—presentations patting themselves on the back didn’t conclude until 45 minutes after the program started. “Hype Night” was brightened by a performance of Varsity Show favorites, featuring crowd-pleasing caricatures of the Columbia experience. And of course, the event was not complete without the traditional processional of confused first-years from Lerner to College Walk, who shuffled down Broadway surrounded by thunderclapping hyperactive upperclassmen and a boisterous CUMB.

More photos after the jump.

sethclassact President of the College, Seth Flaxman, C’07 (right) and Dan Okin S’07, SEAS prez (far left), flaunt the 2010 banners. Colombo called Okin “buddy” at this moment in the extravaganza, in an awkward display of administrative affection.



vshowMembers of the V-show perform old V-show routines.