You’ve got to hand it to the Orientation Leaders, who finished a long day of hauling first-years’ junk in the rain with an even longer-feeling and relentlessly peppy assembly tonight. Shouting NSOP…RED HOT ad nauseam after telling a group of freshmen everything there is to know about everything takes more fortitude than Bwog can muster. We sat on the sidelines.
But the (truly, not sarcastically) admirable NSOP committee gave credit where due—presentations patting themselves on the back didn’t conclude until 45 minutes after the program started. “Hype Night” was brightened by a performance of Varsity Show favorites, featuring crowd-pleasing caricatures of the Columbia experience. And of course, the event was not complete without the traditional processional of confused first-years from Lerner to College Walk, who shuffled down Broadway surrounded by thunderclapping hyperactive upperclassmen and a boisterous CUMB.
More photos after the jump.
President of the College, Seth Flaxman, C’07 (right) and Dan Okin S’07, SEAS prez (far left), flaunt the 2010 banners. Colombo called Okin “buddy” at this moment in the extravaganza, in an awkward display of administrative affection.
Members of the V-show perform old V-show routines.
@ugh Tradition should be implied.
I hate traditions. My traditions of Columbia are:
-not going to class enough
-receiving deservedly poor grades
-promising to do better next year!
-remembering said promise while enjoying a drink downtown
@those would be close to NYU traditions, save that NYU students would be more remorseless about the grades…
@YES That Rolm phone skit was hilarious. “Roooolllmmmaaa” while sensuously carressing the phone.
@wouldn't it be nice The tree lighting would be better if students showed up to campus one night and — voila — the trees were lit! That or I’ve always had class during the ceremony. ::grumbles::
Then again, I don’t seem the least bothered by a lack of “traditions” at this place. You want tradition? Go to Princeton and sign up for Bohemian Grove.
@haha I still remember the rolm phone skit. good stuff.
isnt the ‘processional’ another recently concocted ‘tradition’ meant to ape the stuff at other schools that have done this stuff for a long time?
@dude what kind of columbia student are you? hasn’t someone assigned you hobsbawm’s “invented traditions”? no? well, guess what? all that shit has been made up at some point. yes, even at yale, where they pretend their spires rose majestically from the primordial filth in a spontaneous triumph of higher education some several millennia ago. said spires were actually erected circa 1935 by pretentious oxbridge wannabes. sic our four year old traditions, not so terrible after all. and our revived ones? well, what they’re reviving is older than skull and bones.
@it would be nice if they did something original for a change.
personally i think there are plenty of awesome traditions at columbia. The tree lighting in december is always fun. v-show is always awesome. some more recent stuff is also pretty good- i love the outdoor KCST spring show.
@Right My natural inclination tells me that most tradition, concocted and otherwise, is bullshit, but poster #2’s image of Yale’s towers and primordial goo convinced me.
@Right My natural inclination tells me that most tradition, concocted and otherwise, is bullshit, but poster #2’s image of Yale’s towers and primordial goo convinced me.