We at Bwog sincerely apologize for the cis privilege demonstrated in the original version of this post, titled “Why Is The Gender-Neutral Bathroom Never Open On The First Level Of Milstein When I Need To Poop?” We recognize and acknowledge the insensitivity of the original post, and we deeply regret the hurt we have caused our readers. We appreciate all of you readers and members of the Barnumbia community who look to Bwog for content, and we are sorry that we have failed you. We have since removed the content in question for its insensitivity. As a staff, we are taking preemptive steps to increase our awareness of the privilege in our identities, including in relation to gender, and we will make sure a similar grievance does not occur again in the future. Apologies again.
– The Bwog Staff
@Tranime Girl Is this satire?
ffs, knock this off
@Anonymous As someone who is gender nonconforming I’m honestly not really offended by the article- I thought it was hilarious. But I can understand that others would be offended so thanks for the apology!
@Imagine 2,500 18-year-old American boys died storming the beaches of Normandy, so a few coddled college snowflakes could have their own bathroom.
@Anonymous I am a fairly progressive person; however, I am also a devout Muslim. And my faith teaches that there are only 2 genders. Your gender is assigned at birth and it is a gift from Allah. That is my belief. It is entirely reasonable and affects no one else. Forcing me to acquiesce to a set of beliefs that directly contradict my upbringing and my religious convictions is a violation of my fundamental human rights. It is also bigoted. You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine.
@Anonymous God is down for gender neutral bathrooms; the only unislamic thing about taking a fat shit in a one is if you don’t do wudu afterwards
so fuck off troll
@Anonymous literally everyone in these comments needs to check their privilege, privilege which comes under many disguises and one of them is having an able body. whether or not it was intended, the gender neutral bathroom functions as a safe space for many less privileged identities on campus incl. the disabled, chronically diseased, larger-bodied, and more. check your physical privilege and then reevaluate the exclusivity that you wish to espouse. good day
@Anonymous larger bodied? Are you serious, bro? That’s not a “disability”, that’s a choice. Put down the damn fork. I have a real disability. I didn’t choose it. Calling obesity a “disability” is a slap in the face.
@Anonymous >open phone
>text friends
>”Hey I’m being BTFO on bwog for my stupid comment, upvote me”
@Anonymous Wormunder janitors GTFO BWOG
@Original Article Has anyone ever seen what lies within?
As I type this article, the gender-neutral bathroom is still occupied. It is 1:11 AM in the morning. The Milstein library is largely empty. The janitor keeps glancing into my group study room, willing my club to leave. The red “occupied” status taunts me audaciously with its perpetual existence.
Who is taking the longest shit in the world?
As the days have trickled into weeks and academic syllabuses have evolved into midterms, I find myself spending more late nights than ever haunting the Milstein library halls. The number of times that I have needed to poop in-between studying has also increased. Fellas, is it wrong to want to poop in solitude? The two stalls in the women’s bathroom simply don’t do; not only is there an attentive audience in the form of your stall neighbor, but also listening-in is the line of 500 strong that extends significantly out into the hallway. Numerous times have I needed the brief respite of silence and an impartial environment, and numerous times I have been denied. I have seen the gender-neutral door handle shake once from an unseen force, as if mimicking the powerful breath of a sleeping dragon within its cave, only for the door to remain unfailingly shut. I had lingered, curious, but the natural callings of my bowel movements sung to me and I retreated speedily to the gender-neutral bathroom on the second floor.
Perhaps it is for the better that this door remains closed. Maybe the toilet is full of shit. Maybe there is a developed and powerful alien civilization cultivating on the toilet seat. Or maybe, the stall is a portal to another world, with a door that solely opens for the worthy. Like, instead of the closet to Narnia, it’s the 1st-level Milstein library gender-neutral bathroom to Narnia. I digress; the inner contents of this bathroom are, in all likelihood, not as grand as C.S Lewis’s fantastical creation. The first person to crack open that door will probably unleash the hideous contents of Pandora’s box into our world (Pandora’s Box Unboxing Part 2 [ 7 billion subscriber special!]).
Because this is a relevant topic, did you know that poop shame disproportionately affects women and that as a result, they suffer from higher rates of irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease? And that women in Congress didn’t have their own bathrooms on the House floor until 2011? There is a New York Times article that dives deeply into all of that crap – highly recommend giving a shit about it while taking a five-minute poop break in the loo!
Anyway…this is my plea for the gender-neutral bathroom of the 1st level of Milstein to let me in. And for whoever is inside to get the hell out and let me shit. Toodle doo!
@barnard alumna This is literally not offensive wtf.
If you’re against people being pooping without anxiety you’re ableist scum.
@Gender Pootral That’s right folks, only trans people are allowed to use the gender neutral bathroom! Turns out “gender neutral” actually means “neutral gender only”!
Come at me, trigger squad.
Oh and just so you know, I’m writing this while taking a fat and decidedly male shit of my own.
@Anonymous I can’t believe this is real?? honestly thought this apology was satire. wtf.
@Anonymous Because Barnard does not like anyone remotely male in any way to use their bathrooms.
@Anonymous check your privilege bwog. your editors should have caught this before it was posted. who is running this site? gender neutral bathrooms are a safe space, not a luxury bathroom. why was this even pitched? imagine having the gall to write this and then the gall of the editors to think this was okay to post. unbelievable
@sweet tea oh bless your heart
@Ugh this freakin school If this person is cis then they can shut the fuck up
@Anonymous pretty sick that you expect everyone to accommodate your body dysmorphia at the expense of their individual liberty. My advice, get help. Encouraging pretend time is never a healthy strategy.
@Anonymous Wow, this is absolutely not an ok comment. What the hell is wrong with you?
@Anonymous the statistics on trans mental health issues speak for themselves, and they don’t change much post transition. I understand that basic science is confusing to you, but you do the world a disservice by denying reality.
@Anonymous how can you be so unaware of your cis privilege when you’re literally at an institution that is founded on fighting for the equality of gender minorities. you should be ashamed for writing this piece and bwog should be ashamed for posting it. i’m fuming.
@Anonymous true praxis is pooping in the men’s single-stall bathrooms in milstein
@Sorry I’m so sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but in the name of honest journalism it’s important to note that the door is actually unlocked when it looks like it does in that picture. There’s no green sticker, so full red means occupied and partial red means unlocked. So when it looks like the bathroom is occupied it actually isn’t (most of the time).
@Anonymous Do they not teach trying the handle in the core anymore?
@Miche Understand the attempt at humor but the bathroom is for trans and non-binary people, not for anyone to poop in
@Anonymous you’re assuming the writer is not trans or not gender queer
@jae daemon lmao how do you get from “gender neutral single occupancy bathroom” to “bathroom only for non-cis people”
it’s not a trans bathroom, it’s just a bathroom. Get over yourself.
@Miche Jonathan, West Virginia has one of the highest rates of transgender teens. Time to educate yourself and get over Yourself. Telling someone to get over caring about their own rights is such a bad look. Ugly troll.
@chop off my butthole Are you saying that trans people don’t poop? I have never understood the whole trans thing but this is a whole other level…
@Kay Dente-Ferguson imagine being the writer for this article and thinking that the GENDER NEUTRAL BATHROOM was a place for you to sh*t in private! literally! nuts! I’m so angry! I often am FORCED to use the women’s bathroom because a dancer in Barnard Hall has decided to change in the ONLY BATHROOM I FEEL COMFORTABLE USING? I cannot believe, a Barnard student, wrote about cis women’s access to bathrooms in a time where there are LITERALLY BATHROOM BANS AGAINST TRANS PEOPLE?!?…. sincerely a trans person who’s had UTIs because I haven’t been able to pee in comfort or safety because of people like you.
@Anonymous aren’t you assuming that the writer is not non-binary? I understand, you’re angry about many cruel things that are happening, but your words are very unemphatic to the writer. Such lack of empathy causes people to turn against other groups.
@Anonymous regardless of whether this person is trans or cis, they clearly are not aware of the cis-privilege of having whole bathrooms with multiple stalls available to them vs trans and nb people who only have one, single occupancy bathroom, and thus completely lack empathy towards people with this experience in that regard.
@Anonymous Those bathrooms are open to the pretend crowd as well. No one’s fault they choose not to use them. It’s called freedom. You should try it some time.
@barnard alumna You’re ableist trash if you deny these bathrooms to people with anxiety or other mental issues which prevent them from utilizing public bathroom spaces.
@Anonymous You know the men’s room is single stall at Milstein as well, right?
@Beauty Eye Dude, like, take a shower…
@Anonymous Dear triggered pretend-time snowflake,
@your bathroom for shitting, my bathroom all the time totally feel you, except for me it’s not poop shame, it’s the fact that I’m nonbinary and literally don’t feel comfortable in any bathroom except the gender neutral one. actually, I think it would be great if all bathrooms were gender-neutral, since gender is a lie