Bwogger James Perry explains a recent change in Barnard College’s publicity decisions.
We all know and love our favorite women’s undergraduate college of Columbia University: that’s right, Barnard College. However, as of today, Barnard has decided to forgo the traditional Bold and Beautiful in lieu of other adjectives thought to truly exemplify the college. Students are free and encouraged to use any of the following they feel brings light to their Barnard experiences:
Brutal. Bewitching. Barnard.
Barbaric. Berserk. Barnard.
Brotherly. Bountiful. Barnard.
Beastly. Belligerent. Barnard.
Brainy. Bitchin’. Barnard.
Baffling. Bearded. Barnard.
Bacterial. Bohemian. Barnard.
Bangin’. Bodacious. Barnard.
Beaming. Buxom. Barnard.
Beguiling. Benevolent. Barnard.
Best. Better. Barnard.
Blithe. Blasé. Barnard.
Bubbly. Benevolent. Barnard.
Beefy. Bipedal. Barnard.
Bottomless. Bombastic. Barnard.
Bumpy. Bisexual. Barnard.
Bitter. Bloodthirsty. Barnard.
Burly. Bonkers. Barnard.
Bouncy. Blessed. Barnard.
Header via Bwog Archives
1 Comment
@Anonymous How and why is this an article