Professors say some strange things.
We’ve all been in class, taking notes or not paying attention, when the professor says something alarming. Sometimes it’s unexpected, sometimes it’s funny, or sometimes, it’s just weird. As we approach the end of first semester, here are some of the strange things we have heard these past few months:
“Marx liked to complain a lot. His ideal world? Who the fuck knows.”
“The French do whatever they want, and they don’t care if it’s racist.”
– a European History professor
“Population means people are having babies. And a lot of them.”
– a Modern World History professor
“The sun is losing mass, but you don’t have to panic.”
“Radiation heats air, so the air becomes hot.”
“The sun, yeah, it’s round.”
– Prof. Greg Bryan (Astrophysics)
“Ugh, what the fuck like this is so good I’m literally going to vomit right now like everywhere.”
“Ugh, God, why don’t you go snapchat Jesus or something?”
– Brian Wiora (Beginning Poetry Workshop)
“I’m a socialist at heart.”
“If this were the McCarthy era, I wouldn’t be allowed to talk to you.”
– Prof. Aaron Passell (Intro to Urban Studies)
“This is great preparation for when we’re all environmental lawyers.”
– Prof. Terryanne Maenza-Gmelch (Intro to Environmental Science)
“Lizards are a mess.”
– Prof. Paul Olsen (Dinosaur and the History of Life)
“Over a period of time, I may strip completely.”
“I think I have ADHD. I was never diagnosed though.”
– Prof. Robert Beer (General Chemistry I)
Us, confused in class, via Flickr.