In honor of the French open house tonight from 5 to 6:30 pm on the fifth floor of Philosophy Hall, but mainly just because.
“Hon hon hon baguette lol,” they all say, when I mention I’m reading Proust (in the original French) for class.
Everyone, please stop.
You’re better than this… I hope.
If I had my way, things would be different
Letters would be pronounced, or at least not stuck on the end with the sole purpose of making middle schoolers cry
Likewise, the counting system wouldn’t make math PhDs run screaming for the hills
If I created French, the quality of the language would not be inversely proportional to how stuck up native speakers are about how perfect their language is
Alas, c’est la vie
Now let me eat my baguette in peace
Image de la gloire de Paris, ou peut-être rien qu’une illusion via Flickr