Bwog shares more news of COVID-19, and hopes when you share anything it’s following CDC guidelines.

Happening in the World: To prevent a second outbreak of COVID-19, China is closing its borders to foreigners with visas or residence permits. Foreigners can apply for a new visa, although it is unclear how long that will take; this news comes after over 500 cases in China imported from other countries. (CNN)

Happening in the US: The US has over 85,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, the most cases of any country, but the death toll of 1,300 is significantly lower than that of other countries like China and Italy. So far, this news has done nothing to change President Trump’s goal of reopening the country and easing restrictions on April 12th. (BBC)

Happening in NYC: Lacking the appropriate amount of medical supplies needed for the overwhelming number of new serious COVID-19 cases, New York hospitals are sharing ventilators among two patients. Gov. Cuomo gave that state’s approval for the method, which has been used rarely in the US but never as a long-term solution until now, and the FDA recently approved a device called VESpr that lets four patients share a ventilator. (NYT)

Poem: For those of you referring to this moment of time as “the end of the world,” here’s a devastating yet surprisingly calming poem by Franny Choi about how humans are used to the apocalypse.

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