Instructions: Choose the answer that most effectively addresses the question asked. You have one minute to complete this section of the test.
Question 1:
In what year was Columbia University founded?
A. 2011
B. 1754
C. 2011
D. 2011
Question 2:
If you had a dollar for every nickel that you had a dollar for, how much money would you have?
A. All of them.
B. $3.50
C. 9 lbs.
D. Much.
Question 3:
If 7x + 10 = 80 , what does x + 10 equal?
A. 10
B. -4
C. 20
D. 2y
Question 4:
True or False?
A. True
B. False
Question 5:
Memorize the following sequence of numbers:
2, 53, 89, 3.4, 100, 7
What was the sequence of numbers?
A. 8, 7, 10
B. 158, 1, 71, 90
C. 2, 53, 89, 3.4, 100, 7
D. 2, 4, 6, 8, Who do we appreciate!
Question 6:
Who was Kaiser?
A. Nicholas II
B. 孙中山
C. David Lloyd George
D. Friedrich III
Question 7:
What are the correct answers to this quiz?
A. D, C, D, A, B, B, A
B. B, D, C, A, C, D, B
C. A, D, C, C, C, B, C
D. A, A, A, A, D, B, D
Now, everyone, put down your pencils.
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