SEEJ has been papering the campus with their cheeky fliers advertising a graffiti/stenciling/street art event they’re throwing in Lerner tonight, and with Shepard Fairey’s Obey showing up on John Jay trays and artists like Banksy getting gala gallery events, this is Columbia’s version of getting hip to the times.
Overheard: Regarding the fliers, one of which states FREE HEROIN as an attention-getter, one student exclaimed, “Heroin?! That’s a bit much. Should have said cocaine, that would have lured us in.”
After the jump, the flier. (Will this get SEEJ’s funding cut, eh?)
@Anonymous careful. Diane Murphy SEES ALLLLL!!
@m. murphy don’t be a pussy. inject heroin.
@governing board seej is in sgb, not club sports
facist diane murphy has nothing to do w/ sgb
therefore, no budge cut
@to get the jump you have to click on “read more”
@... where’s the jump?
@Zach vS Sorry about that — just a bug.