Good news from Congress today—who knew it was possible?
Bwogline: The House has passed a piece of legislation which replaces the bust of Roger B. Taney, the Supreme Court justice who introduced the Dred Scott decision, in the Capitol with a sculpture of Thurgood Marshall, the first African American to ever serve on the Supreme Court. The statue of Taney sits at the entrance of the Old Supreme Court Chamber, where the court met from 1810 to 1860. The removal of Taney’s bust “expresses Congress’s recognition of one of the most notorious wrongs to have ever taken place in one of its rooms,” reads the legislation which references the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision. The removal of Taney’s sculpture is part of a larger movement to remove Confederate statues across the United States. (NPR)
Study Tip of the Day: Switch up the places where you choose to study in a day! Don’t always go to the same library, as trying new things and making yourself uncomfortable is known to release dopamine, and may provide the motivation that you’ve been lacking this week.
Music of the Day: “Sunroof” by Brooke Eden
Procrastination Tip: Go to the gym, and pump out a 30-minute running session on the treadmill. Trust me, you’ll feel much more energized and ready to tackle that reading or problem set you’ve been ignoring. Even if you don’t, well at least now you’ve done some exercise!
Overseen/Overheard: My group working on a project for Art Hum:
Guy 1: *Gets up in the middle of working, packs his stuff and leaves without saying a word*
Guy 2: “He’s a phenomenon.”
Me: *Still confused*
Statue of Roger B. Taney via Wikimedia Commons