Staff Writer Sophie Jones does important research for all the Barnard Baddies who value brains, gains, and their sense of smell!

Due to Barnard’s seemingly never-ending renovations of the Francine LeFrak Fitness Center, many of us gym girlies are forced to trek into the sweaty, overcrowded depths of Dodge. There’s nothing worse than getting amped up to crush your gym session and then getting hit by a sea of stinky men in drawstrings and short shorts. As a disclaimer, the focus of this piece is not to hate all men at the gym. I am simply addressing the universal frustration of repeatedly walking up, down, and across the floors searching for an empty machine or the right weights, while simultaneously having to hold your breath and exclaim “sorry!” “Excuse me!” every couple of minutes. No shade but this frustration wouldn’t exist if LeFrak were open by now… 

Based on my experience, my friends’ experiences, and some interviews I conducted with the student staff, the peak busy hours at Dodge are: 

  • 9 am to 12 pm: Everyone’s trying to squeeze in a morning workout before their first class or lunch. On Tuesdays and Thursdays between 10 and 11 am, PE classes close down the middle floor, so it’s even worse. Important to note, though, is that it’s slightly less smelly. Perhaps that’s because it’s the beginning of the day, so deodorant is still fresh. 
  • 4 to 7 pm: This is generally the best time for people’s schedules, but I’ve felt the most frustration during this window. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m usually hungry and have had a long day. The last thing I need is a bad lift because everyone and their mothers are there. 
  • 6 to 9 pm: STINKY!! CROWDED!! BWORRIBLE!! 

Fortunately, it IS possible to get a good lift or cardio sesh in. Here are those windows:

  • 6 to 8:30 am: Dodge opens at six, so if you’re an early bird and not afraid of morning scaries, this is your perfect time! 
  • 12 to 4 pm: This is my personal favorite time to go because people are usually in classes. The only exception to this is Mondays and Wednesdays from 2 to 3 pm and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 to 4 pm because of PE classes again. 
  • 10 pm to 12 am: If you’re a night owl and prefer to sweat before you sleep, then this is a great quiet window for you! Most people are doing homework, going out, or winding down at this time. You might even close out Dodge with the staff since it closes at midnight. 

Hopefully, this insight helps in your fitness journey, especially if you’re a newbie to the gym and got discouraged by the peak hours. However, I’m hoping that the optimal windows stay peaceful and pleasant smelling. Don’t make me regret not gatekeeping!

Dodge via Bwarchives