Because nothing says please leave like a polite knock—not a stare down.

Everyone loves a good study room. You’re either the most productive you’ve ever been or watch TikToks the entire time when you’re in one. We all love them, we all need them, but apparently some of us don’t know quite how to use them. After a weird encounter in Uris this week, I felt obliged to share some basic rules, because it turns out (ahem, creepy staring man) missed the memo. 

Here’s what happened: I booked a study room to lock in during midterms because it’s that stressful time of the year. I was nearing the end of my time slot, but figured I would stay until the next person comes and kicks me out. I assumed this would involve knocking on the door and politely asking me to leave. But no—this guy decided to stand outside the window and stare at me. I don’t know how long he was staring at me, but 10 minutes past the end of my reservation, I looked up and got absolutely jump scared before receiving a head tilt which apparently was supposed to convey that I should leave. Pro tip: don’t do this. Just knock! Be a normal human, instead of lurking like a horror movie character. 

This experience got me thinking: do people not know study room etiquette? I think we all need a refresher, so let’s lay down some ground rules:

  1. Reserve a room

I feel like this goes without saying, but make sure to actually reserve a room in advance instead of taking up a room and hoping no one comes to kick you out. Some people might be too shy or feel bad to kick you out, and then you’re unfairly taking the time that they reserved. I know it’s like the Hunger Games out there, but booking a room is the way to go.

  1. Clean up

We’ve all had the munchies while studying, but the next person in the room shouldn’t have to deal with your garbage. I’ve seen study rooms get pretty gross, so before leaving, clean up! I personally don’t think it’s that hard to do. Throw away your wrappers and cups and take anything smelly to a garbage outside the room. The next person shouldn’t have to take time away to clean up your mess. 

  1. Erase the whiteboard

Whiteboards are one of the greatest tools of a college student, but not when the notes or drawings are left behind for the next person. Take 10 seconds to erase your work so the next person doesn’t have to! 

  1. Keep it quiet

Although study rooms are private spaces, they aren’t as soundproof as they seem. People in the room next to you can hear you shouting, laughing, or playing music. You never know if the person next door is mid-test or trying to lock in and study. Try to keep the noise level to a minimum, or at least not above normal talking levels.

  1. Just knock

I already touched on this, but I feel like I can’t stress it enough: if you have the room booked after someone, KNOCK. Don’t stand outside the door and assume the person will see you. All it takes is a light knock, a polite “I’ve got this room booked now, sorry!” and give the person a minute to gather their belongings. 

  1. Don’t hover

If you’re early to your reservation, great! But please, don’t lurk around like a stalker, or hover in the room while the other person is getting all their things. It’ll probably only take a minute, and the room isn’t going anywhere. 

  1. Respect the space

I feel like this is the most important rule of them all. These spaces are shared and are not your property. Respect the chairs and tables and try to keep the room neat and clean. You’re not the one who has to come clean it at the end of the day, so make it easier for the people who do! 

So, there it is. A few simple tips to make study rooms a little more pleasant for all of us. And please, just knock. It’s really not that hard, I promise.

Uris Library via Columbia University