A peek into the joys of one Bwogger’s Literature Humanities class.
My Lit Hum teacher is wonderful at what she does; we’re taught to think outside the box, read between the lines, and never stop being curious. Such lively discussions are sure to provoke enthusiastic students to make comments that may or may not be fully on topic. A room full of Gen-Zers and some classic literature with freaky undertones—what could go wrong? Here is a compilation of some wonderful, scholarly points in conversation (out of context, of course) that I’ve heard just in the past two classes:
We went deep in our discussion about The Lais of Marie de France…
- “The new Twilight just dropped”
- “Maybe we should just invest in a different husband”
- “Face card so lethal he must be the devil”
- “It’s saying women are so terrible so you should just date men” followed by, “It’s not homosexual, just extremely misogynistic”
- “What is the role of fluids in this story?”
And we shared our opinions on Dante’s Inferno…
- “Why are we deciding all the characters are gay?” and, “They probably are”
- “People can’t have a little fun?”
- “Dante’s definitely gay for Vergil”
- “Free Francesca ‘til it’s backwards”
- “He’s basically just a gateway drug”
Image via Bwarchives