We now know what a three-pointer is! GO LIONS!!

Columbia Women’s Basketball defeated Brown with a staggering final score of 70-44 this past Friday. The game was highly impressive with point guard Kitty Henderson (CC ‘25) recording the second triple-double in Columbia’s program history! A triple-double is when a player scores double digits in three categories. These categories include points, rebounds, blocks and assists. Henderson went for 19 points, 10 assists and 12 rebounds. This game also marked the Lions 20th victory this season. 

Besides being able to read the scoreboard, these two Bwoggers went into this game with basketball knowledge that was slim to none. Lorelei with slim, Zora with none. But despite this, the game was thoroughly enjoyed.

Zora’s Thoughts: 


  • Marching band song selection (Chappell Roan & Kendrick Lamar).
  • The Columbia fight song that nobody knew the words to.
  • A $4 Snickers bar bought from concession.
  • Passing skills!! So impressive!!
  • Fabulous cheerleaders. (I want one of those skirts!)
  • My inner sports dad coming out.
  • Silly hype videos playing on the screen. Very theatrical, very camp.
  • Very obviously exaggerated falling. Very theatrical, very camp.
  • Columbia absolutely whomping on Brown.
  • Very cute little kids behind us yelling “We heart Lions!”


  • So much stopping and starting? I understand there is probably a good reason for this but to me it just felt like edging. 
  • Losing my phone mid game. Don’t worry, she was recovered from the bowels of my messenger bag. 
  • The Brown uniforms. Who chose red for the other color? Did not serve in my super humble and totally unbiased opinion.

Honestly, those are my only qualms with the game. This was my first time watching the entirety of a basketball game and I had so much more fun than I anticipated. I will definitely be tuning into the Ivy League Championship game next weekend!


Lorelei’s thoughts:


  • Feeling some semblance of school spirit for the first time.
  • In that vein: seeing a school sport for the first time!! (My arts high school didn’t have sports LOL.)
  • Cheering loudly every time we made a shot or intercepted a pass or did anything really.
  • Watching the players fall dramatically to the floor after being gently grazed by someone’s elbow to try to get a foul call.
  • Being close to the court so I could actually see what was going on.
  • The man a few rows behind us who had several qualms with the ref’s calls.
  • Winning!!


  • That the seven Brown supporters were somehow louder than the Columbia supporters when yelling “defense”.
  • How many three-pointers were missed.
  • Getting briefly confused when the teams switched sides after half-time and almost cheering when Brown made a shot.

This was my first venture into Columbia sports, but it probably won’t be my last. Basketball is the only sport I know the rules for, so I was able to follow the game pretty well and I had a lot of fun! The players were amazing, and it was fascinating to see the mechanics of the game. Maybe next time I’ll know the lyrics to Roar Lion Roar (unlikely). Go Lions! 


Image via Bwog Staff