Bwog wishes you a restful Spring Break!

Springtime is here! Bwog will be signing off until next Monday, but in the meantime, here’s 10 things we’ll be getting up to this week.

  1. Completely destroying our meticulously built-up sleep schedule
  2. Catching up on all the movies and TV shows we haven’t had time to watch
  3. Writing a paper and making a zine for class because they’re due right when we get back :( 
  4. Applying for internships 
  5. Snuggling with cats every second we can
  6. Doing independent research
  7. Visiting friends in the UK!
  8. Enjoying the weather and praying it doesn’t rain as much as it’s forecasted to
  9. Visiting friends from back home we haven’t seen in years
  10. Lots of spring cleaning!

Meadow via Wikimedia Commons