We just heard about an exciting astronomical phenomenon occurring this evening- a total lunar eclipse! Bwog is going out right now to try our luck against the encroaching clouds, but it ends 6:57PM EST, so get moving!
Update: Reports from the steps are saying that it’s too cloudy to see…
@test hhy2331@columbia.edu
@Hah So *that’s* why there was a kid outside my apartment repeating this dialogue every two seconds:
Kid: Mom, where’s the MOOOOOOOON?
Mom (on the phone): Sssh! I don’t KNOW!
@abroad Great view from outside London. Didn’t know it was happening til I saw it though.
@... Too cloudy? Balderdash!
I saw the whole spectacle quite clearly from atop Morningside Park.
@that was a total eclipse of the heart
@i appreciate the bonnie tyler reference.
Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I’m only falling apart
There’s nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there’s only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
@speaking of moon,
it’s high time the belle jar came around again
@Missed it But the Voyage to the Moon image warms my heart.
@sev saw it from the roof of Broadway. twas pretty cool
@wondering why the moon was glowing from its edges today.