one cuBwog presents the second of our three interviews with CCSC candidates – tonight, One Columbia’s Michelle Diamond (pictured, third from left, with running mates).

How have you been doing?

I’m doing very well. It’s a crazy, crazy crunch time – but the part of the campaign I really like. I get to present to different clubs, and see what people like.

What clubs in particular?

We’ve gotten endorsements from the Blue Key Society, College Democrats, Korean Students Association, Political Science Students Association, SEEJ, and the Econ Society. Tonight, we’re presenting to the CPU, CQA, and IGC. [Editor’s Note: This interview took place March 21 – in the interim, the Columbia Political Union has endorsed One Columbia.]

What ideas have the clubs responded to most strongly?

The idea of building a stronger community really struck a chord with these clubs. The fact that there’s not enough intergroup communication is even a bigger issue than I had originally realized.

How can CCSC become a greater resource for students?

It can do this by promoting more interpersonal events – for example, bringing together the College Dems and the College Republicans. I’d work for a Community Forum – one representative from each group would move in two days early to discuss where we want to move as a university. I think we should move towards schoolwide programming, like study breaks for the entire school, not just one class. I’d love to bring back King’s Crown Ball, which stopped my first year – it’s a semi-formal open to the entire school, and it was always a huge success.

So you’d like to create more events for the school?

I would love especially to do more events like Glass House Rocks, where CCSC acts as a skeleton, and clubs add their own unique flavor to it.

How are you feeling about your ticket?

I could not be happier with them. I feel like a beaming parent of sorts. They were all my top choices, and they are all so enthusiastic about what their position entails and what they want to do with their position. Individuals on the Student Council E-Board should have more responsibilities, and they have been so upbeat.

What would your top priority be if your party was elected?

My top priority, regardless of whether I am elected or not, would be advising reform. Community building is also very important to me. The great thing is that there’s so much time after elections at the end of this year and the beginning of next year. If we’re elected, we can really hit the ground sprinting and start working towards next semester.

You were involved with CCSC this year as 2008’s Class Vice-President. How do you think CCSC did this year?

I think we had a bit of a learning curve at the beginning of this year. We’ve definitely done some important things. That the administration devoted so much of the capital campaign to financial aid reform was absolutely huge.

Do you think that being the only candidate with CCSC experience will give you an advantage in governing if elected?

I definitely things so. I was a Class Representative my first year here, and it’s amazing to me how much of a transition Class Rep to V.P. was; making the jump to CCSC is a huge jump no matter where you start from.

Do you feel optimistic about your chances about being elected?

It’s so hard to say! I never know how to call a three-way race. We’re going as strong as possible, and doing everything we can do.