It won’t be completed during the studies of any current Columbia undergrad, but the lucky prefrosh admitted to the Class of 2011 will, at least, be able to feast their eyes on this sight by their senior year. Behold, the José Rafael Moneo-designed Northwest Science Building, to be constructed over the erstwhile tennis courts between Havemeyer and Pupin: the rendering at right, among others, was recently placed on the University’s construction updates site, allowing for an early sneak peak.

Bwog isn’t a stickler for traditionalist architecture, but we wonder what happened to Moneo’s “extreme sensitivity to context,” a factor PrezBo highlighted when the designer was selected to help fill this key gap in McKim, Mead, & White’s historic plan. And even if a little architectural pizazz is what this part of campus needs, one wonders at the scale of a structure that overwhelms even prodigious Pupin. Of course, the architect faced significant challenges while designing the structure – building over the gym, insulating labs from the subway, and dealing with the drop-off between the campus and the street. And at least we know now that construction of the building won’t, in fact, close Dodge. Still, we’re sure at least some are bound to think that Barnard’s Nexus will have some Columbia competition for “ugliest building on Broadway” when the next decade dawns. More renderings, after the jump…


From Broadway:

Current view:

From the Barnard gates outside Millbank: