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@Zod What is all this ‘ccsc’ nonsense? I defy you! Kneel before me.
@DIAMOND diamonds are for next year.
@sweet karma says mark modesitt had that shit coming
@watcher It’s Official!
@watcher Spec says… keep waiting.
@WHAT! what a f-ing joke!
@over over 5 hours and NO updates!
@ccsc as well were all freaking out here, can elections results PLEASE come out already?!?
@diamond ctv just broke in to announce diamond.
@ccsc member nothing yet…
@??? Updates?
@!!! i won!
all bow down to your new leader.
@yeah... why hasn’t bwog posted any updates in the past 4 hours!
@where are the results… it’s all digital and should be out in like 15 seconds. unless there is a rules violation.
@i voted! when do the results come in? after the candidates hear? have they heard? im curious
@umm ccsc2008 –> some election that was.
@lol @ ccsc it looks like they’re using hp pavilions from the year 1.
@Lo0lz Probably because those things never shut off, ever. Even when you want them to.
@purple overheard s/o on his cell phone freaking out about there being 2 violations that he thinks are affecting the election…what could they be?
@senior one columbia!
@senior fuck no
@fucking w00t no i have not
and do not plan to
@... has the site been hacked yet so people can vote from their own comps?