All fans of alliteration will enjoy the Postcrypt Coffeehouse Folk Festival going on right now in Kent Lawn despite the fact that their tent is somewhat obfuscated by bleachers going up by Fair Alma. In addition to the music, the festival is home to glorious, freshly-made popcorn and thirst-quenching beverage.
Acts for the rest of the day:
Ginia Sweeney
The Smocks
Desperation String Band
Tony Gong Featuring Michelle Peña
The Counterclockwise Revolution
Loomer CT.
The Kitchen Cabinet
@just walked by I thought Eleven Malevolent Elephants was awesome. I’ve never seen them on campus before. Are they new?
@9393939393 There is something infantile or childish about Tony’s songs. Innocent songs. They’re great.
@another fan don’t hate, i think tony gong is a great original musician.
@brilliant The ‘Crypt Festival was ridiculously fun. BWOG did a great job covering, but for those who are interested, the full line-up for today was:
John Krauss and Friends
Chief Haney
Eleven Malevolent Elephants
Oren Brecher
Gareth W. Schumacher & Kari Lee Wasob
Ginia Sweeney
The Smocks
Desperation String Band
Tony Gong featuring Michelle Peña
The Counterclockwise Revolution
Loomer CT
The Kitchen Cabinet
Next year, we’ll be trying to mix a few Columbia acts in with our usual professional musicians every weekend. If you’re interested in playing, email a track or two to Nellie Bowles at Or, if you’re not recording anything yet, just find her (me) and I will assess your hipness (if hip is how well you play indigo girls covers).
@does anyone else get the feeling that these pro-Tony Gong comments are just Tony Gong trying to get free publicity?
Face it, Tony. Some people might not like you. Don’t be a dick about it.
@ON GETTING PUBLICITY I wrote that big on purpose. Notice me!
Postcrypt got covered today because they asked for coverage. Cinco de Mayo probably did not, because the ironicness of mariachis on College Walk would have got Bwog’s attention in a banana-split second.
@haha banana-split second, that’s pretty good.
@Bwog is racist Tony Gong is basically white
@John Locke is it true there’s going to be some sort of midnight show at the tent where the folk fest was held? with, like, a big name musician (the name bouncing around is suzanne vega because she always does a benefit for postcrypt). i’ve heard three people say this so far at butler. if it’s a joke, i’m going to be pissed.
folk fest organizers, any truth to the rumor?
@folk fest organizer hey john locke, sorry, there’s no truth to said rumor. the tent was taken down this afternoon, and suzanne vega’s secret show was on friday in the crypt. look for her next spring though, code word is “tim robinson and friends.”
@stop the hate ginia is the real deal, which we need more of on this campus.
@Grilled cheese guy I am more than just a piece of cheese…err meat, you know.
@hey you’re not me! i know you’re not me because we did not have meat at the folk festival.
@still enticed seriously though? no one thought the grilled cheese guy was cute? i’m the only one?
@also enticed? i thought he was bangin
but thats just me
@grilled cheese nishant?
@what the fuck how were CAMPFIRE BEACON not on this bill? this is a travesty of justice and right
@ginia does not add cute to anything. yuck yuck
@come on mandolin, falsetto, and niceness=cute. don’t be mean.
@anti-mean ginia is amazing. DONT HATE!
@i think ginia adds a lot of cute.
@hands down kitchen cabinet and desperation string band were the best. add ginia sweeney and you have the cutest line up ever.
@early bird how bout that John Krauss and Co.
I thought they were decent
@enticed did anyone notice the hot guy grilling the sandwiches? he was fine. seriously.
@I heard Tony Gong invented trees.
@ahh i meant at columbia, not postcrypt.. haha.. i love postcrypt
you are gorgeous
please marry me
@today was actually one of the few enjoyable days at postcrypt. people were sort of happy…weird.
@awesome! TODAY WAS SO FUN!!!!!
how do i get more involved with postcrypt?!?
@postcrypt is the best ever. EVER.
@tom hayden god. do you people have to complain about every fucking thing at this place?
@woo! go smocks!
@also the smocks were very good.
@whoa! Tony Gong’s awesome. And so is Michelle. Tony Gong Featuring Michelle Pena Forever!!
@thanks, Postcrypt!
@emmanuel wait. there are/were grilled cheese sandwiches?
alrighty. i take back everything i said. folk fest 4eva.
@wtf so bwog gives coverage to these fucking white as fuck events – like Postcrypt, As you Like It, and the Varsity Show – but NO coverage on minority group’s events (like Cinco de Mayo, which was on LOW and any, any of the Asian culture shows?) so apparent that bwog’s board is a bunch of stupid white people… the blackest person you have on your page right now is oprah . and of course one of the senior wisdom guys who everbody is fucking hating on.
@Stop whining Waah Waah Waaah Diversity….
@Yeah! This post was racist, offensive, etc…
@you're a gigantic douche. gigantic.
it’s not even worth disseminating how ridiculous you sound. also, if you had gone to postcrypt today you would’ve seen an extremely diverse audience and musicianship – but yeah, definitely cry racism on this one w/o bothering to attend the event. dumbass
@agree A minority may have attended this event, but it’s still a white as fuck event. Now, the events organized by minority students get less coverage, because how could they possibly be hipster/white enough for bwog?
@aww Come come, did w learn nothing from the Varsity Show?
Also, The Smocks kicked some patootey!
@yeah i dont know what emmanuel is talking about either. the grilled cheese sandwiches were the shit today
@uhhh what are you talking about? i think wbar fits the category more accurately. postcrypt has never let me down.
@postcrypt coffeehouse for life. this is the best day ever.
@MICHELLE PEÑA does it get any more fantastic?
i think not
@Hemingway's Hangover Tony Gong is a fucking hack. He’ll probably pull an eye-muscle with all the winking he’ll have to do since this is a folk festival and not a post-ironic hipster douche festival.
@emmanuel actually, after only a five minute glance, it looks more like a wannabe post-ironic hipster douche festival than a folk festival.
by the way, wbar has a concert going on in like 25 minutes. details are on — check it out.
@Tony Gong haha, awesome. i totally thought it was a post-ironic hipster douche festival.
@A Fan Tony Gong is the only one that rules as hard as Tony Gong rules.
@bwog, “and as well as”…?