Oh boy, the “New Facebook” that you’ve been hearing nothing about is here. What’s different about New Facebook? Well, for one thing, it’s certainly wider! And your wall posts are outlined in gray. But apparently there are other differences, and the madman behind this creation has explained them all in his Facebook blog:

  • The Publisher lets you put content on your own Wall. Like writing on your own Wall, but now it’s called The Publisher. 
  • Size matters: You can adjust the size of things on your profile, “to promote the things you care about most, and demote the stories you don’t find as interesting.” 
  • Your own Wall will stalk you.  “The Wall now surfaces the most recent and relevant information—in the form of posts of stories—about you. We believe that having a constant stream of information, or ‘feed’ is the most effective way to learn about and keep up with friends.”

Facebook loyalists have been rallying to the defense of New Facebook, pointing out that the new photo browsing function is easier to use.  But go see for yourself, and then choose a side, for the question of New Facebook allegiance is surely the defining one of our generation. 

UPDATE: More terror lies ahead after the jump.

We also noticed New Facebook has a Top Friends feature, and you can designate as many Friends as you want as superior to all the others. What this means is that a preference of New Facebook is no longer a respectable option, for anyone, ever.

As Bwog’s New Haven-based Facebook Analyst pointed out: “At least [Top Friends] is optional. But that won’t really matter when everyone opts in.”