A crowd that seemed equal parts elderly folk and clueless young things landing last-minute Music Hum concert reports packed Philosophy Lounge this afternoon to watch the Daedalus Quartet, in residence here at Columbia, perform the pen-penultimate of Haydn’s ‘Sun’ Quartets. The last one they played, explained violinist Min-Young Kim, was the sunniest of the six–this fourth part would be some clouds some sun, sort of like the day outside. And for the group, this particular piece held a special significance; it was the piece cellist Raman Ramakrishnan was playing when the sibling violinists “discovered” him at Vermont’s Marlboro Music Festival.
Bwog was so entranced in the performance that it failed to take a picture until after the quartet had finished and jumped up to leave–but you have two more chances to see them in person! Tomorrow and Wednesday at 12:30.
Photo by Lydia DePillis
@I was there it was nice, but it made me appreciate the person who invented the guitar.
@cupcake i saw them last year for mhum and really enjoyed them!
@wordz goddammit bwog, it’s “antipenultimate.”