If your lunch plans depress you or stress you out, get out of John Jay and 212 and head to the Graduate Student Lounge in Philosophy for a change of pace � excellent classical music for free!
The renowned Chiara Quartet will perform the �Haydn� string quartets by Mozart for the last time this year from 12:30-1:30. Today marks the end of a series of lunchtime performances of the �Haydn� quartets � a set of pieces Mozart dedicated to friend and fellow composer Joseph Haydn. Just in case you were confused.
Check out the Lunchtime Concerts event page for info on the next lunchtime concert series, featuring the Pacifica Quartet playing Mendelssohn.
@zach did anyone catch beirut’s set after? it was unannounced and only a handful of people were there, but they played through some new songs for just under an hour.
@this wasn't the last of the Haydn quartets – there are three more coming in 2 weeks.
@indigo This comment has been deleted.
@aquamarine Deleted this comment has been.
@2150 i can’t walk anywhere!