Several professors have confirmed to Bwog that PrezBo was conspicuously absent at the fall Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) meeting. While PrezBo has admittedly had a very long semester, so too have his FAS, who’ve spent much of the past year fighting cuts to faculty benefits.
PrezBo’s office has no comment about why he didn’t attend the fall meeting, or whether he’ll make it to the next one. Several sources have confirmed that he will take a break from wining and dining the global intelligentsia at the BoMansion to wine and dine with the global intelligentsia at this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos.
@Nice try, Comp sci guy.
@wow 39 comments? columbia really gets antsy when bwog goes on vacation
@In my pants Ants ants ants ants ants ants ants.
Feels itchy.
Really. itchy.
@Stop everything!! Beyonce is giving birth at St. Luke’s!!
@The Other St. Luke's As in the Roosevelt Hospital near Columbus Circle, which constitutes one half of St Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center.
Yeah, confusing.
@Anonymous I still have no grades and my first final was December 9th. I hate columbia!!
@Dude, just chill.
@Hate is a strong word, and if you really feel that way, there are plenty of kids who would love your spot here.
@Lulz That’s because they don’t know any better.
@What is our president's favorite dessert?
The Prez Bo-nana split!
@well that was horrible
@barnard virgin isn’t that a sexual position?
@Anonymous Barnard virgin? You’re funny.
@Lee Bollinger Get your act together, Bwog. There’s not a single mention of my hair in this post.
@Lee Bollinger you are all such little biches
@Anonymous Biche, is that French?
@Anonymous Nope, it’s Latin for “generosity.”
@Anonymous Are the engineering professors still pissed at the Dean, and by extension, Prezbo?
@Anonymous Now taking bets on where he is for vacation.
Any guesses?
Hope it’s a nice one, seeing how he’s using our tuition money…
@Anonymous Out of curiosity who would you like to pay prez bo’s salary? You clearly have a problem with us paying for our president…also, why isn’t he allowed to go on vacation?
@anon who said anything about him not being allowed to take a vacation…?
@Anonymous It’s not an issue with paying his salary, it’s how much we’re paying him. He could live on the salary of the average tenured professor. With the same amount of vacation time.
@Supply and Demand Yes he could. And some other university could probably afford to pay him more — and we would then be deprived of his talents.
Why would you voluntarily work for less when you could make more? Economics (not idealism) drives the major decisions of this world.
@good lord if they want to pay him, they can have him.
@Anonymous i miss you bwog!!
@anon i miss bwog too — old bwog that is. you see, bwog this semester and bwog last semester are like day and night, or like snooki-season-1 and snooki-omg-you’re-actually-not-acting. please bwog, get a hold of yourself.
@... he was probably off somewhere giving a speech in support of for-profit education scams like his beloved kaplan university.
@Anonymous Yeah that’s definitely what he’s doing! You sure showed him!
@nwbar FAS meetings — as mandatory as Under1Roof.
@yep didn’t go to that
@comp sci guy i wonder who prezbo is,
what he does, and where he lives.
is he a pothead with too many zits?
a janitor at columbia or a bloody brit?
how the hell should i know?
he may be president of u-chicago
man, my phones ringing off the hook
come to my dorm and it’s a telephone riot
ring a ding a ling a ling
im more agitated than a columbia lion
is prezo there? HELL NO.
is prezo there? HELL NO.
is prezo there? HELL NO.
is prezo there? HELL NO.
@Anonymous That poem sucked
@To be fair, he prefaced it with “comp sci guy,” so that’s to be expected.
@have you not heard of this song little t – shaniqua
google it
@Anonymous If its by someone named Shaniqua..then no.
@well then that explains everything you dont see what the joke is. you’ve NEVER heard of that song? and the artist is little t, the song is called shaniqua. it was HUGE back then.
i cant believe you people have never heard of it, even if its by accident.
@Anonymous Fuck hipsters. Nobody gives a shit that you know a song other people don’t know.
@LOL were you living under a rock? this is anything BUT hipster….one of the most popular songs of all time. billboard.
you nut.
@not a hipster i bet he did it ironically. which makes him a hipster.
@haha this poem made me smile! LOVE IT :)
@Anonymous At the meeting, VP Dirks said the FAS Planning and Policy Committee had asked that the President not attend all FAS meetings, since reports from the President and Provost have tended to last for much of the meeting, leaving little time for faculty discussion. But it’s worse if the President is out of touch. They might want to rethink this.
@well bollinger is a scumbag.
@Anonymous Wow, this is an incredible comment. You might be right, but what really strikes me is that this represents a terrific change in sentiment towards the “PrezBo” so many of us loved a few years ago.
McKinsey/MiMoo incident?
@Lee Bollinger FAS? more like FAGS lol. What are they going to do, talk to Spec about me again?
@Anonymous Offensive post. Fag jokes? Really? Shit like this will continue to piss me off until we have full equality. Plus, not even funny.
@Lee Bollinger full equality does not mean immunity from gutter humor. I wrote a book about this you know.
@Anonymous er, and not even gutter humor. parody, mind you.